
Social Studies

Social Studies OSPI

OSPI Webpage Excerpt

Social studies in Washington State contributes to developing responsible citizens in a culturally diverse, 相互依存的世界中的民主社会. Social studies equips learners to make sound judgments and take appropriate actions that will contribute to sustainable development of human society and the physical environment.

社会研究包括对人与人之间关系的研究, 以及人与环境之间的关系. Social studies recognizes the challenges and benefits of living in a diverse cultural and ideological society. 由此产生的互动在空间和时间上被语境化,并具有社会性, political, economic, 地理维度.

基于适当的调查和反思,在社会研究, students develop distinctive skills and a critical awareness of the human condition and emerging spatial patterns and the processes and events that shape them.

The social studies curriculum builds the following capacities in young people: disciplinary knowledge; inquiry, interpersonal, 批判性思维能力; respect for the underlying values of a diverse democratic society; interest in public affairs and competencies of self-government. 每一种能力都对负责任的公民作出独特的贡献.

首先,社会研究课程建立学科知识. Disciplinary knowledge is fundamental for students to construct meaning through understanding powerful ideas drawn primarily from the disciplines of history, geography, civics, and economics.

Second, 社会研究课程培养探究精神, interpersonal, 批判性思维能力. These skills are infused throughout the four social studies disciplines so that students apply the methods of social science to effectively participate in public life. 在适当技术的帮助下, students gather, interpret, 并分析信息,成为知情的公民. Their ability to engage in civic discourse improves through practice of discussion and interpersonal skills. Critical thinking skills encourage reasoned decisions as well as alternative viewpoints regarding matters of public concern.

Third, 社会研究课程提倡尊重多元化民主社会的基本价值观. As a result, 学生理解民主的理想,并努力按照民主的理想生活. 对民主价值的合理承诺激励公民维护自己的权利, 履行作为公民的责任, 尊重所有人的尊严.

Fourth, the social studies curriculum stimulates interest in public affairs and strengthens competencies of self-government though citizen participation experiences. Students are encouraged to inform themselves about public affairs and to become active participants in civic life rather than passive bystanders. 他们被敦促在个人和社会生活中维护法治,并对不法行为提出质疑. 努力理解当地的多种观点, national, 课程支持国际问题. 通过服务学习和政治行动等活动, the social studies curriculum equips students to improve their communities and to realize the civic virtue of serving.

最终,负责任的公民取决于这些能力. Social studies education for responsible citizenship must be a compelling priority if we expect to sustain our constitutional democracy. The health of our democracy depends on whether young people understand the complexities of human society and can govern themselves competently.


  • Uses knowledge of the past to construct meaningful understanding of our history in order to enrich and enlighten our lives. (历史的角度)
  • 运用地理概念知识, 例如空间格局以及人类和自然系统, 去理解影响我们世界的过程. (地理角度)
  • 运用政府知识, law, 以及政治决策,并在当地采取行动, national, 以及国际问题来促进公共利益. (Civic Perspective)
  • 运用生产知识, distribution, 和现代经济学中的消费决策. (经济透视)
  • 运用广泛的社会研究技能, 包括批判性思维, 调查和分析各种资源和问题并寻求答案. (批判性思维能力)
  • Uses effectively both group process and communication skills to participate in democratic decision making. 人际交往和团队合作能力

The social studies provides a remarkable opportunity to engage students in the enduring dilemmas embedded in the study of community, family, and society. Examining these dilemmas makes social studies come alive for students and allows them to explore the role of responsible citizen. 通过这种学习, students model responsible citizenship and are more committed to enhancing the social fabric in which they live.

社会研究为获取历史观点提供了一个独特的论坛, 实践相互尊重的参与过程, 培养为眼前和更大社区的共同利益做出贡献的热情.


RCW 28A.230.060 -放弃学习华盛顿历史和政府的课程.
Students in the twelfth grade who have not completed a course of study in Washington’s history and state government because of previous residence outside the state may have the requirement of RCW 28A.230.被委托人放弃.

RCW 28A.230.140 -美国国旗-采购,展示和演习-国歌.
The board of directors of every school district shall cause a United States flag being in good condition to be displayed during school hours upon or near every public school plant, 除非天气恶劣. They shall cause appropriate flag exercises to be held in each classroom at the beginning of the school day, 在每一所学校的开学典礼上, at which exercises those pupils so desiring shall recite the following salute to the flag: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, 人人享有自由和公正.不宣读誓词的学生应保持肃静. The salute to the flag or the national anthem shall be rendered immediately preceding interschool events when feasible.

RCW 28A.230.150 -禁酒及良好公民日-协助规划.
每年1月16日或1月16日非上课日的前一个星期五, 每所公立学校应举行“禁酒与良好公民日”。. Annually the state superintendent of public instruction shall duly prepare and publish for circulation among the teachers of the state program for use on such day embodying topics pertinent thereto and may from year to year designate particular laws for special observances.

RCW 28A.230.160 -纪念退伍军人节的教育活动.
每年11月11日前的一周内, 在RCW 28A中定义的每所普通学校中都有.150.举办20场适合纪念退伍军人节的教育活动. The responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the activities approximating at least sixty minutes total throughout the week shall be with the principal or head teacher of each school building and such program shall embrace topics tending to instill a loyalty and devotion to the institutions and laws of this state and nation. 公共教育总监和每个教育服务地区总监, 通过忠告和建议, 应协助准备这些活动,如果这种援助被请求.

RCW 28A.230.170 -强制性宪法研究-实施细则.
The study of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Washington shall be a condition prerequisite to graduation from the public and private high schools of this state. The state board of education acting upon the advice of the superintendent of public instruction shall provide by rule or regulation for the implementation of this section.